Fact-Checking Policy

A. Striving for Accuracy

At jagrukjankari.com, our commitment is to share accurate information. We go to great lengths to make sure what we present is reliable. This involves investigating claims with a critical eye, questioning assumptions, and challenging widely accepted beliefs.

B. Due Accuracy Commitment

We are dedicated to achieving due accuracy in everything we produce. “Due” means the level of accuracy matches the content’s needs. We consider the subject and nature of the information, making it suitable and adequate. Any constraints affecting accuracy are explicitly mentioned.

C. Well-sourced and Honest Output

All our content, tailored to its nature, is well-researched, evidence-based, and confirmed. We are committed to being honest about what we know and admitting when we don’t have all the answers. Speculation without a foundation is something we steer clear of.

D. No Plagiarism or Distortion

Our journalists never intentionally copy others or distort facts, including visual information. We maintain the integrity of our news posts.

E. Seeking Independent Verification

To ensure the truth, we verify claims, especially those from public officials or individuals with motives beyond truth-telling. Information that can’t be confirmed is attributed accordingly.

F. Standing Firm on Accuracy

jagrukjankari.com stands by the accuracy of its published information. If proven otherwise, we promptly correct the news item. We do not knowingly mislead our audience, distort facts, or present fabricated material that could erode trust. Serious factual errors are acknowledged and corrected swiftly, clearly, and appropriately.

F. Inviting Public Input

We offer a fair chance for the public to report inaccuracies or errors through the ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of every web story. Your input helps us maintain accuracy.

Correction Policies

While striving for excellence, we acknowledge the occasional error. When mistakes happen, we takes responsibility, ensuring corrections are made promptly. We maintain transparency to instill confidence that incorrect information is rectified and doesn’t spread.

Reader’s Role

If you, as a reader, spot an error, here’s what you can do us:

A correction is considered officially submitted only when you directly contact us.

If you choose to email or mail your correction, please include:

  • The correction details
  • The issue date or number
  • Where you saw the mistake (in print, online, etc.)
  • Your name
  • A phone number or email address where we can reach you

Feel free to include the correct information and its source. You can expect a response from the editor. Further contact may happen if clarification is needed or more information is required. Keep in mind that submitting a correction is a guarantee that the error will be looked into, but it doesn’t guarantee that a correction will be issued.

Once we are notified of an error, they conduct an analysis using the provided reader information, meeting minutes, reporter’s recordings, and any available sources.

Correction Implementation

The online article will be rectified, and an editor’s note will be added at the article’s end. This note will detail what was incorrect and when the correction was made.

On Social Media

If the article was shared on platforms like Facebook or Twitter or Telegram, a post will be made linking to the corrected article, explicitly mentioning the correction.

Once the correction is applied, we will reach out to the reader who submitted the correction. They will provide information on the steps taken to correct the error, ensuring transparency and accountability. We will apologize for your mistake if it will happen.